News Archives


UNM wins awards at National Association of Homebuilders event
January 29, 2020


Engineering Professor awarded NAHB Outstanding Educator of the Year
February 24, 2020


Ferenchak appointed member of Transportation Research Board Standing Committee on Pedestrians
March 24, 2020

Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19)
March 12, 2020

U.S. Navy establishes program at UNM to give ROTC cadets cybersecurity training
March 11, 2020

Dr. Cerrato selected for Fulbright award to Spain
March 2, 2020


Construction student wins Minority Engineering Programs Outstanding Leadership award
April 27, 2020

Howe selected as Research Lecture Honoree
April 22, 2020

Ferenchak receives SOE Junior Faculty Teaching Award
April 17, 2020

PhD student awarded a NSF Earth Sciences Postdoctoral Research Fellowship to go to Stanford University
April 9, 2020

Engineering professor receives Fulbright Scholarship to Spain
April 6, 2020


Applications Open for Transportation Fellowship Program
May 21, 2020

Stormont receives research award
May 8, 2020

Gonzalez receives teaching award
May 8, 2020


SMILab holding free webinar July 9 on smart structures and technologies
June 25, 2020

Jorge Gonzalez Estrella accepted as Assistant Professor at Oklahoma State University
June 23, 2020

Maryam Hojati selected for the 2020 UNM Women in STEM awards
June 23, 2020

Doctoral student wins second place in student paper competition
June 9, 2020


Inaugural SMILab webinar attracts more than 100 from around the world
July 17, 2020

Two graduate students in Dr. Gonzalez-Pinzon’s team win research grants
July 13, 2020


Taha recognized as Fellow by ASCE
August 27, 2020

Student transportation chapter wins at traffic bowl
August 19, 2020

Student selected for transportation fellowship
August 17, 2020

New faculty member in transportation engineering
August 14, 2020


Moreu participates in UNM Faculty Lightning Lounge
September 16, 2020

Transportation engineering students finding jobs and internships
September 4, 2020

Recent awards and recognitions from our department
September 4, 2020


Student places first in lightning round
October 28, 2020

‘Zia Rising’ wins student contest for LoboDrome design
October 16, 2020

ASCE New Mexico Section Fall Conference
October 12, 2020

Center for Water and the Environment partners with Explora! to offer Water Mania! program to NM middle- and high-school students
October 6, 2020

Center for Water and the Environment presents speaker on water contamination and public health
October 5, 2020


Position Open for Lecturer in Residential Construction and Design
November 11, 2020


LDRD/ACORN Supplemental Funds will enable experiments with large dynamic forces in Dana Wood Structures Laboratory
December 17, 2020

Taha discusses alternative cement materials, climate change on podcast
December 10, 2020