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Dr. Maryam Hojati selected for the 2020 UNM Women in STEM awards

June 23, 2020

photo of Maryam Hojati
Maryam Hojati

Dr. Maryam Hojati, Assistant Professor in CCEE, has been selected as one of eight UNM faculty to receive the 2020 UNM Women in Stem Award. Their work includes research on the impact of global warming on alpine stream biology, the creation of a better way to identify missing and murdered Native Americans and analysis of high pressure-temperature studies on Martian rocks.

“These eight projects represent some of the excellent work that UNM’s faculty are pursuing, both to push the frontiers of knowledge and to create impact of benefit to the state of New Mexico and the world. These faculty should make us all proud to be Lobos,” said UNM Provost James Holloway.

Dr. Hojati’s study is the Design of Sustainable Concrete for 3D-printing.

For more information on all the studies selected, the entire article can be found here.