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LDRD/ACORN Supplemental Funds will enable experiments with large dynamic forces in Dana Wood Structures Laboratory
December 17, 2020
The project submitted by Dr. Moreu entitled, “Control of Nonlinear Dynamical Structures under Extreme Normal Environments,” was selected by the Vice President Office of Research. The new equipment requested in the proposal will enhance the capabilities of the Smart Management of Infrastructure Laboratory in its capabilities to perform experimental dynamics and vibration tests.
The new project consists of new equipment that will enable nonlinear normal mode (NNM) theory to guide the design of control schemes to mitigate damaging nonlinear responses when structures are exposed to extreme mechanical environments. Testing at higher operating levels is needed for better scientific exploration of the boundaries of the proposed methodologies. The proposal was in response to an initiative of the Sandia National Laboratory Academic Alliance.
This project will serve to advance UNM’s research in the area of structural dynamics and controls by acquiring one large shaker and a data acquisition system required for operation. The equipment will enable faculty, researchers, graduate, and undergraduate students to test large, extreme dynamic behavior of structures, mechanisms, systems, and other large specimens. Dr. Moreu teamed up in 2019 with Dr. Robert Kuether of Sandia National Laboratories in an LDRD project entitled, “Control of Nonlinear Dynamical Structures under Extreme Normal Environments.”
Preliminary testing from the project can be seen in the video link:
Graduate student Eric Robbins is working towards a PhD as he makes advancements in this research project, paratnering with engineer scientist Ben Pacini at SNL. The new capabilities will enable UNM and SNL to continue to advance research discoveries, new funding, and retain talented students. The new equipment will also be made available to teams participating in the Non-Linear Dynamics (NOMAD) summer research institute, which also is co-led by Dr. Rob Kuether and Dr. Tariq Khraishi from the Department of Mechanical Engineering.