Graduate Students Invited to Present Their Research

January 26, 2017

nmspe logoGraduate students are invited to present their research at the NMSPE Annual Conference, to be held in Albuquerque on Friday, June 16, 2017.

The student research presentations will be directed toward an audience of approximately 150 professional engineers. The presentations are 15 minutes long, with 5 minutes for questions and answers.

This is a great way for graduate students to gain a speaking opportunity and a resume item, and also a way to advertise their research to the wider New Mexico professional engineering community.

Graduate students should email a description of their talk to Dr. Walter Gerstle,, by March 30, 2017, including:

(1)    Title of Talk

(2)    Name, affiliation, and address of graduate student presenter

(3)    One-page abstract of talk

The student speakers may also bring a poster presenting their research work to the conference.

The student fee for the NMSPE Annual Conference is $50.00.