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Ashish Ravi Joshi to receive American Public Transportation Foundation's (APTF) Board Scholarship

October 24, 2024

photo: Ashish Ravi Joshi

Ashish Ravi Joshi, a PhD student in the Gerald May Department of Civil, Construction & Environmental Engineering, was recently selected to receive the American Public Transportation Foundation's (APTF) Board Scholarship. The award was made at the American Public Transportation Association's (APTA) TRANSform Conference in Anaheim, CA. APTF's mission is to provide scholarships and engagement opportunities to future leaders of the public transit industry.

Ashish's PhD research is focused on advancing transportation systems and promoting equitable access for all. Namely, he explored how the Albuquerque Rapid Transit (ART) system in Albuquerque impacted traffic safety and vehicle speeds, how a fare-free bus policy in Boston impacted ridership through a socioeconomic lens, and he is currently defining user personas of transit riders to better understand barriers to transit access in Albuquerque.