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NSF announces $16 million investment in UNM-affiliated projects to build climate resilience

August 20, 2024

photo: Maryam Hojati
Maryam Hojati

The National Science Foundation (NSF) recently announced it will invest nearly $16 million in three research projects led or supported by The University of New Mexico. One of the projects that will receive $5.99 million in NSF funding – titled “Transforming Wastes Into Economic Assets for Sustainability, Resilience, and Prosperity by a Novel Negative Emission Technology” – will use negative emission technology to convert hazardous industrial wastes into environmentally friendly construction materials. UNM’s primary investigator on this research project is Maryam Hojati, assistant professor in the Gerald May Department of Civil, Construction, and Environmental Engineering. UNM’s team also includes Department Chair and Professor Susan Bogus Halter and Assistant Professor Madura Pathirage from the department, as well as Assistant Professor Sungjin Kim from the Chemical and Biological Engineering Department.

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