News Archives

Bryan Stewart recognized with Provost Staff Award

May 10, 2021

photo of Bryan Stewart

Each spring semester of the academic year, the Provost/Vice President for Academic Affairs presents an annual award to outstanding individual staff and a workgroup of the University of New Mexico who have provided extraordinary service.

Bryan, the Systems Analyst in the Department of Civil, Construction and Environmental Engineering, has been awarded the Outstanding Staff award.

The award is based upon these factors:

  • Provide extraordinary service to UNM or the community
  • Demonstrate service to others through exceptional kindness and compassion
  • Exemplify University values (Excellence; Access with Support to Succeed; Integrity; Diversity, Respectful Relationships; Freedom; and Sustainability)
  • Contribute substantially to significant team or department accomplishments

Bryan is a valued member of the CCEE staff, and we congratulate him on his award!