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Student Presenters at the 16th Annual Rocky Mountain Student Conference
May 20, 2019
Six students from the Department of Civil, Construction and Environmental Engineering and one student from Community and Regional Planning presented at the 16th Rocky Mountain Section American Water Works Association (RMSAWWA) and Rocky Mountain Water Environment Association (RMWEA) Joint Annual Student Conference in Boulder, Colorado on the 13th of May 2019. Sergio Lozoya from Community and Regional Planning delivered an oral presentation on “The effectiveness of Bernalillo’s County ‘There is no poop fairy’ Campaign”. For the poster presentation, Aashish Khandelwal presented a poster on “Development of a self-cleaning filtration for water quality sensors (SC-FLAWLeSS)”, Ayush Raj Shahi presented on “Application of cation exchange and nanofiltration to treat flue gas desulphurization wastewater” , Carmen A. Velasco presented on “Influence of pH on the solubility of U (VI) and Natural Organic Matter in laboratory controlled conditions , Smriti Chaulagain presented on “Remote sensing techniques to determine hydraulic roughness due to riparian vegetation” and Sugam Tandukar presented on “Recovery of Gypsum and Mg(OH)2 from high ionic strength wastewater by chemical precipitation” whereas Isabel Maria Meza delivered a flash presentation on “Solubility Measurements of uranyl minerals in water sources” for which she won the 3rd prize. Carmen, Sugam and Ayush finished 1st, 2nd and 3rd in the poster presentation category respectively. The awards include monetary recognitions and the opportunity to participate in the American Water Works Association’s Annual Conference and Exhibition (ACE19) from June 9-12 in Denver, CO for Carmen. The Rocky Mountain Section in which the students competed consists of universities in Colorado, New Mexico and Wyoming. The trip was organized by Water UNM, a student chapter of AWWA and WEF. Dr. Kerry Howe, the faculty advisor of Water UNM also attended the conference along with student attendees Nabil Shaikh and Atlin Johnson.