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  • >CCEE alumni met in Washington, DC, at the ASCE Fly-In meeting last week to request more funding for infrastructure

CCEE alumni met in Washington, DC, at the ASCE Fly-In meeting last week to request more funding for infrastructure

March 25, 2019

ASCE fly in

Left to right: Richard Morales, Fernando Moreu, Edward Argueta

Fernando Moreu, Assistant Professor in the CCEE department, Richard Morales and Edward Argueta met at the American Society of Civil Engineering (ASCE) annual fly-in to advocate for the appropriations priorities of the national society. Richard Morales was the recipient of the 2018 SOE distinguished alumni award. Richard and Edward graduated from UNM in 1985. Richard Morales works for L.B. Foster construction in Atlanta, GA. Edward Argueta is a program manager for the US Army Core of Engineers at their headquarters in DC. The picture of the three Lobos was taken at the American Society of Civil Engineering headquarters after their meeting with legislators.