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NOMAD Group from Sandia Labs Visits the Department

July 6, 2017

fernando moreuOn June 26, 2017, Dr. Fernando Moreu presented a seminar to the Sandia National Laboratories Nonlinear Mechanics and Dynamics (NOMAD) Research Institute.

NOMAD brings together participants from around the world to work in small teams on projects germane to interfacial mechanics and jointed structures.

The institute’s goals are to help form long-lasting collaborations between national laboratories, academia, and industry and to make significant progress toward solving major challenges in the area of joints and interfacial mechanics.

The institute is open to graduate students and early career researchers from the United States and international communities.

After the seminar, Dr. Moreu gave a short tour to the structures laboratory. The NOMAD group consists of 30 students, all graduate students from different universities, both domestic and international.