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  • >Dr. Lucia Rodriguez-Freire Accepts Assistant Professor Position at New Jersey Institute of Technology

Dr. Lucia Rodriguez-Freire Accepts Assistant Professor Position at New Jersey Institute of Technology

July 17, 2017

Dr. Rodriguez-Freire joined the University of New Mexico as a Postdoctoral Researcher in the E-H2O Research Group (P.I. is Dr. José M. Cerrato from the Department of Civil Engineering) in August 2015. She investigated biogeochemical processes that affect the cycle of metals and radionuclides in the environment. As an Assistant Professor of the John A. Reif, Jr. Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering at the New Jersey Institute of Technology, Dr. Rodriguez-Freire will be harnessing the interaction between biological and inorganic systems to: (1) investigate the effect of contaminants to natural biogeochemical cycles in order to predict, avoid and/or remediate current and future detrimental effects to the environment; (2) engineer highly-efficient and sustainable resource-recovery technologies from agricultural, industrial and mining waste; and (3) design state-of-the-art wastewater treatment systems to remove persistent contaminants in the environment using ubiquitous and low-value materials.

Congratulations, Professor Rodriguez-Freire!