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  • >Over Forty Attendants Learn About the Current Status of Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Plants

Over Forty Attendants Learn About the Current Status of Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Plants

May 8, 2017

mr. takaiPresented by Yasuhiro Nakai, Deputy Director of the Nuclear Energy Policy Planning Division (the Agency for Natural Resources and Energy) of Japan, and hosted by the UNM student chapter of the Earthquake Engineering Research Institute (EERI), students and faculty from the civil engineering department learned about the current status of the decommissioning and contaminated water managing of the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Plants in the aftermath of the damaged caused by the March 11, 2011, Great East Japan earthquake and tsunami. Attendees enjoyed pizza and refreshments organized by the students of the EERI student chapter.  Dr. Bruce Thomson, an expert in nuclear plants management from the CE department, attended and discussed the U.S. and Japan cases with Mr. Nakai.  Students had an international introduction to the current work in Japan from the Deputy Director and interacted with him to learn about current work in this area.  Mr. Nakai was given a tour of the UNM campus and was introduced to the School of Engineering and the other departments.

If you are interested in becoming involved in the EERI student chapter, officer positions are open for Fall 2017.  Chapter members will participate in the EERI National Competition.  You can contact the faculty advisor, Dr. Fernando Moreu,, or the EERI student chapter President Sherif Aboubakr,


eeri presentation