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Engineers Week Celebrated in Albuquerque

February 27, 2017

dream big graphicEngineers Week was celebrated in Albuquerque this year with two very successful events. The first was the Eweek Conference and luncheon celebration and Awards ceremony sponsored by the Albuquerque Branch of the New Mexico Society of Professional Engineers at the Albuquerque Marriot Hotel on Friday, February 24.

The second major event was a gala including a premier showing of the “Dream Big” 3D Imax movie.  DREAM BIG  is a blockbuster movie funded by the American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) that features the impact of Engineers have had on civilization throughout the centuries.  The New Mexico Premiere and Red Carpet showing was held at the New Mexico Museum of Natural History and Science on February 24, 2017.  It is appropriate that this event highlighting our profession was held at the conclusion of Engineers Week. The planning committee for this event included representatives of ASCE, the New Mexico Society of Professional Engineers (NMSPE), American Council of Engineering Companies (ACEC), Society of Hispanic Professional Engineers (SHPE), Society of Women Engineers (SWE), American Water Works/Water Environment Federation (AWWA/WEF), American Public Works Association (APWA), University of New Mexico (UNM), and New Mexico State University (NMSU).  The committee has developed DREAM BIG-New Mexico – a video that features many of our own engineering achievements through the centuries right here in New Mexico. 

table at dream big