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  • > has named the Top 50 Best Value Graduate Engineering Programs of 2016. has named the Top 50 Best Value Graduate Engineering Programs of 2016.

December 8, 2016

UNM is #7 on that list.

One of the most pressing concerns in engineering education today is diversity, especially the inclusion of women and underrepresented ethnic groups. It’s an issue that the the University of New Mexico has well in hand as a proudly Hispanic Serving Institution, one of only a handful of Research 1 (top tier) public universities with that commitment. In addition to their diversity, the UNM School of Engineering is consistently ranked one of the top public graduate engineering schools by U.S. News & World Report and other influential ranking publications. UNM offers graduate degrees in all the main areas of engineering, as well as a number of interdisciplinary programs such as Nanoscience & Microsystems and Optical Science & Engineering. Graduates from UNM’s School of Engineering earn a highly-respected degree from a university committed to changing the face of engineering and engineering education.