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Rome, Italy Summer 2017 UNM Travel Abroad Opportunity

October 31, 2016

students in Rome 2016The Department of Civil Engineering continues its summer travel and study abroad opportunity for Summer 2017.  Michael Gonzalez, faculty lecturer in the department, will lead the group.  Undergraduate and graduate students are welcome.  The course, titled, “Building Design and Analysis:  Resiliency, Restoration of Ancient to Modern Structures in Communities in Italy”, will be held June 5-17, 2017. Course numbers are CE 491 for undergraduates and CE 598 for graduate students; section numbers to be determined.

There will be a meeting on Friday October 28, 2016, at 4:00pm, in the Third Floor Student Lounge of Centennial Engineering Center.

It is anticipated that maximum enrollment will be 10 - 15 students combined from the School of Engineering programs and School of Architecture.

Contact person and trip leader:

Michael A. Gonzalez

Faculty, Lecturer II

Department of Civil Engineering

School of Engineering, UNM

505 277 0407

Rome building