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Graduate Student Awarded Scholarship from AWWA

April 21, 2016

lauren breitnerLauren Breitner is an environmental engineering graduate student working with Dr. Kerry Howe. The project on which they are working, funded by the WateReuse Research Foundation, is focused on trace organic removal with reverse osmosis for water reuse applications. Lauren is a member of the University of New Mexico American Water Works Association (AWWA) student chapter, and is currently the Activities Officer for the group. She has recently received an AWWA national scholarship, the Hazen and Sawyer Scholarship. The 2016 Hazen and Sawyer Scholarship is funded by Hazen and Sawyer to support the development of professionals interested in service to the water industry. The judging criteria included a potential to provide leadership in applied research and consulting in the drinking water field. She will be awarded and recognized during the Association’s Annual Conference in mid-June in Chicago.