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Graduate student receives Outstanding Scholar Award
September 16, 2021
Above: Elijah Wyckoff and Fernando Moreu
Graduate student Elijah Wyckoff received the Outstanding Scholar award for his work on Augmented Reality for real-time telepresence and control of robotics. Elijah spent the summer as scholar on a new interface for controlling and visualizing a robotic arm in AR for satellite operation, being conducted in the Smart Management of Infrastructure Laboratory (SMILab) and the Center for Advanced Research Computing (CARC) at the University of New Mexico. The UNM PI of this AFRL Scholar Summer project is Elyjah’s adviser and thesis chair Dr. Fernando Moreu from the Department of Civil, Construction and Environmental Engineering (CCEE). Elyjah Wyckoff’s project falls under the supervision of Dr. Christopher D. “Chrispy” Petersen, who is the PI in the AFRL Space Logistics and Robotics Group and the Autonomous Guidance & Control Lead and the Bus-replica of ON-orbit Systems for Advanced Integration (BONSAI) Lead, all under the Space Vehicles Directorate. Dr. Petersen is also a committee member of Elijah’s MS thesis. The other two faculty members of Elyjah’s thesis include Dr. Rafael Fierro from ECE and Dr. Claus Danielson from ME.