Undergraduate Advising
When you are admitted to the department, you will be assigned a faculty advisor who will remain with you until graduation. Construction and engineering programs are very structured by nature, with each course building on previous ones. Moreover, most of the courses in the last two years of the curriculum are offered only once a year. Therefore, it is important that you plan your course of studies carefully.
Here is a list of when our undergraduate courses are "typically offered."
Your faculty advisor will not only help you decide which courses to take each semester but will also advise you regarding other issues related to success in your studies. As you prepare to register for the next semester, typically in November and April, you must meet with your advisor and complete an advisement form. Both you and your advisor will sign the form, after which the hold on your registration will be lifted.
You should make every effort to get to know your advisor and visit with him/her often during the semester. You will find that this relationship will help you make the best decisions regarding your academic future, and an advisor can help you with references, leads for jobs, and many other steps that will help you in your career. While it is critical to follow your advisor’s counsel, that will not substitute for taking personal responsibility for your own program.
In addition to the Faculty Advisors, the Senior Academic Advisor is available to all students for discussion and guidance regarding university and departmental policies, academic concerns, core curriculum, honors program, graduation requirements, career direction, and any issue which may be of importance to you.
Senior Academic Advisor, Nicole Bingham, CENT 3012, nicluna@unm.edu
Director of Undergraduate Programs, Dr. Andrew Schuler, CENT 3037, schuler@unm.edu