Admission to MENG without BS in Civil Engineering
Eligibility for admission to the MENG-CE program requires that students have an engineering bachelor’s degree, or else they must successfully complete specific undergraduate courses before applying. There are three ways in which this requirement can be met.
1) Students with a B.S. Degree in Civil Engineering
Students with a B.S. in Civil Engineering from an ABET-accredited program are eligible to apply for admission; no remedial classes would be required.
2) Students with a B.S. Degree in Another Engineering Field or from a non-ABET Accredited Program
Remedial coursework may be required and will be determined by the CCEE Graduate Committee on a case-by-case basis depending on the student’s background and his/her intended field of study. Students in this category who do not have at least two years of practice-oriented experience will be required to take a three-credit course in Project Design.
3) Students with Other Bachelor’s Degrees (B.A./B.S.)
Students with degrees in other fields can be admitted to the program after taking a sequence of undergraduate classes with a cumulative GPA of 3.0 and no grade below a “C”. This sequence of classes includes the following:
- Math through ordinary differential equations (3 semesters of calculus: Math 162, 163, and 264) and ordinary differential equations (Math 316)
- One class in college chemistry
- One year of calculus-based college physics
- Statics – CE 202 (Prereqs Phys 160 and Math 163) (offered fall, spring, summer)
- Dynamics – ME 306 (Prereq CE 202 and Math 264) (offered spring only)
- Mechanics of Materials – CE 302 (Prereq CE 202, Pre or Coreq Math 316) (offered fall and spring)
- Fluid Mechanics – CE 331 (Pre or Coreq CE 202 and ME 306) (offered fall only)
- Soil Mechanics – CE 360 (Prereq CE 302) (offered spring only)
Students intending to study in an area where this sequence of preparatory courses is not appropriate may substitute one preparatory course in their area of study for one of the above courses. Permission to do so must be obtained from the CCEE faculty in the student’s intended area of study. A member of that group will write a memo identifying the sequence to the CCEE Department’s Director of Graduate Programs that will be placed in the student’s file.