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  • >Assistant Professor González-Pinzón Receives Funding from the New Mexico Water Resources Research Institute

Assistant Professor González-Pinzón Receives Funding from the New Mexico Water Resources Research Institute

September 29, 2014

Assistant Professor González-Pinzón Receives Funding from the New Mexico Water Resources Research Institute

Assistant Professor González-Pinzón receives funding support from the New Mexico Water Resources Research Institute to implement a parsimonious and pseudo real-time methodology (algorithm) that allows estimates of water budgets from streamflow data. The key outcome of this research is the development of a computational tool that allows the characterization of watershed-average dynamic storage, watershed-average precipitation rates, and watershed-average evapotranspiration patterns from streamflow fluctuations in the four major New Mexico basins, i.e.: Canadian River, Rio Grande, Gila River and the Pecos River. The watershed-average estimates of hydrological fluxes (i.e., water budgets) can be used by stakeholders, researchers and practitioners to better plan and understand current and future water demands, and also to feed models assessing the impact and vulnerability of water resources under changing climatic condition.