Faculty Positions

The Gerald May Department of Civil, Construction & Environmental Engineering (CCEE) at the University of New Mexico (UNM) invites applications for two faulty positions.

Assistant Professor faculty position in hydrology and water resources engineering

The Gerald May Department of Civil, Construction & Environmental Engineering invites applications for a tenure-track Assistant Professor faculty position in hydrology and water resources engineering to join our Department in Fall 2025.

We welcome applications from innovative and collaborative colleagues with research and teaching interests in hydrology and water resources engineering. Applications are encouraged from researchers working in, but not limited to, the coupling of hydrologic processes with human and natural systems (e.g., ecosystem processes, food-energy-water systems, socio-ecohydrological systems), hydrologic responses to changes in human and natural systems (e.g., climate change, land use and land cover, wildfires, water management), hydrologic-based solutions to provide clean water for people and ecosystems (e.g., restoration, environmental flows, urban and non-urban solutions to water quality and quantity), and water interactions with material and living components of natural and built environments (e.g., water-centered preparation and response to natural disasters, impact of water infrastructure on human and natural systems). The semiarid climate of New Mexico offers unique opportunities for creative, multi-scale research projects exploring the discovery, development, validation, and adoption of transformative solutions to tackle problems associated with water resources in xeric, mesic, and even hydric environments (e.g. testbeds and validations of technologies and methodologies under lower-flow, higher-sediment conditions). We welcome applications from candidates conducting observational, experimental, theoretical, or modeling work, and encourage them to describe how their work can strengthen our Department, and vice versa.

To apply, visit https://unmjobs.unm.edu and reference requisition req31109.