Departmental Honors Program

Eligible students in the Department of Civil, Construction and Environmental Engineering are urged to enroll in and apply for the Departmental Honors Program. Requirements are an overall and degree gpa of at least 3.20 and successful completion of at least 6 credit hours in independent study, senior thesis, or special courses open only to candidates for graduation with honors in the department (CE 493 and CE 494).

You must apply for this program early in your junior year. The application requires the signature of the faculty member with whom you will be working and the Chair of the department, then should be returned to the Senior Academic Advisor. Acceptance to this program cannot be granted later than the semester prior to graduation.

The levels of Departmental Honors awarded are cum laude, magna cum laude, and summa cum laude. This honor is based upon both your degree gpa and your UNM gpa.

Cum Laude (with honor) 3.2 to 3.49
Magna Cum Laude (with great honor) 3.5 to 3.85
Summa Cum Laude (highest honor) 3.86 to 4.0.

This honor will appear in the commencement program, on your diploma, and on your transcript.

Continuance in Departmental Honors programs and the level of honors at which the candidates will be graduated are both at the discretion of the department.

The special courses which you will take will provide you with advanced knowledge in an area of interest to you and will help prepare you for graduate studies.

You can see the Senior Academic Advisor for the application form and answers to your questions.