Recent Publications



Nicholas N. Ferenchak

  • Nicholas N. Ferenchak. (2023). U.S. Road Safety During COVID-19: Motorist, Pedestrian, and Bicyclist Fatality Trends. International Journal of Disaster Resilience in the Built Environment. (In Press).
  • O. Sanchez Rodriguez and Nicholas N. Ferenchak. (2023). Longitudinal Spatial Trends in U.S. Pedestrian Fatalities, 1999-2020. Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board. 03611981231190637.
  • Nicholas N. Ferenchak. (2023). Impacts of COVID-19 on motor vehicle crash frequency and severity by functional classification and land use context. Transactions on Transport Sciences. (In Press).
  • Nicholas N. Ferenchak. (2023). Longitudinal Bicyclist, Driver, and Pedestrian Perceptions of Autonomous Vehicle Communication Strategies. Journal of Traffic and Transportation Engineering, 10(1): 31-44.



Nicholas N. Ferenchak

  • Nicholas N. Ferenchak. (2022). U.S. Vision Zero Cities: Modal Fatality Trends and Strategy Effectiveness. Transportation Letters: The International Journal of Transportation Research, 1-12.
  • Nicholas N. Ferenchak, R.E. Gutierrez, and P.A. Singleton. (2022). Shedding Light on the Pedestrian Safety Crisis: An Analysis Across the Injury Severity Spectrum by Lighting Condition. Traffic Injury Prevention, 23(7): 434-439.
  • E. Bia and Nicholas N. Ferenchak. (2022). The Impact of Bus Rapid Transit Construction and Infrastructure on Traffic Safety: A Case Study from Albuquerque, New Mexico. Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board, 2676(9): 110-119.
  • Nicholas N. Ferenchak and R.B. Osofsky. (2022). Police-Reported Pedestrian Collision Crash Matching and Injury Severity Misclassification by Body Region in New Mexico, USA. Accident Analysis and Prevention, 167: 106573.



Bogus, Susan

Han, Fei, and Bogus, Susan M. (2021) "Resilience Criteria for Project Delivery Processes:  An Exploratory Analysis for Highway Project Development"  ASCE Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, 147(11), November 2021,  

Metro, Kristal, Harper, Christofer, and Bogus, Susan M. (2021) “Factors Affecting Workforce Resilience in Public Transportation Agencies” Accepted for publication in ASCE Journal of Management in Engineering,


Cerrato, José

El Hayek, E., Medina, S., Guo, J., Noureddine, A., Zychowski K.E., Hunter, R., Velasco, C.A., Wiesse, M., Maestas-Olguin, A., Brinker, J., Brearley, A.J., Spilde, M., Howard, T., Lauer, F.T., Hernert, G., Ali, A.S., Burchiel, S., Campen, M.J., and Cerrato, J.M. (2021). Uptake and Toxicity of Respirable Carbon-Rich Uranium-Bearing Particles: Insights into the Role of Particulates in Uranium Toxicity. Environmental Science & Technology, Accepted.
DOI: 10.1021/acs.est.1c01205

DeVore, C.L., El Hayek, E., Busch, T., Long, B., Mann, M., Rudgers, J.A., Ali, A.S., Howard, T., Spilde, M.N., Brearley, A.J., Ducheneaux, C., and Cerrato, J.M. (2021). Arsenic Accumulation in Hydroponically Grown Schizachyrium scoparium (Little Bluestem) Amended with Root-Colonizing Endophytes. ACS Earth and Space Chemistry, Accepted.

Seip, A., Safari, S., Pickup, D.M., Chadwick, A.V., Ramos, S., Velasco, C.A., Cerrato, J.M., and Alessi, D.S. (2021). Lithium Recovery from Hydraulic Fracturing Flowback and Produced Water Using a Selective Ion Exchange Sorbent. Chemical Engineering Journal, Accepted.         

Velasco, C.A., Brearley, A.J., Gonzalez-Estrella, J., Ali, A.M., Meza, M.I., Cabaniss, S., Thomson, B.M., Forbes, T.Z.,, Lezama-Pacheco, J., and Cerrato, J.M. From Adsorption to Precipitation of U(VI): What is the role of pH and Natural Organic Matter? Environmental Science & Technology 2021; Accepted, DOI:10.1021/acs.est.1c05429.

Wilson, A., Velasco, C.A., Herbert, G.W., Lucas, S.N., Sanchez, B.N., Cerrato, J.M., Spilde, M., Li, Q.Z., Campen, M.J., and Zychowski K.E. (2021). Mine-site derived particulate matter exposure exacerbates neurological and pulmonary inflammatory outcomes in an autoimmune mouse model. Journal of Toxicology and Environmental Health, Part A, DOI: 10.1080/15287394.2021.1891488


Ng. Tang-Tat Percy

Ng, T.-T., Zhou, W., and Ma, G. (2021) “Mechanical behaviors of binary mixtures of similar ellipsoids,” International Journal in Geomechanics, 10.1061/GM.1943-5622.0002325.


Moreu, Fernando

Yuan, X., Smith, A., Sarlo, R., Lippitt, C.D., and Moreu, F. (2021). Automatic evaluation of rebar spacing using LiDAR data.  Automation in Construction, 131, 103890,

Nasimi, R., & Moreu, F. (2021). Development and implementation of a laser–camera–UAV System to measure total dynamic transverse displacement. Journal of Engineering Mechanics147(8), 04021045.

Maji A, Moreu F, Woodall J, Hossain M. Error analyses of a Multi-Input-Multi-Output cantilever beam test. Journal of Vibration and Control. July 2021.

Woodall, J., Hossain, M., Maji, A., Moreu, F.; Transforming a Simple Structure Model to Represent a Complex Dynamic System with Unknown Boundary Restraints. Exp Tech (2021).

Cardona Huerta, R., Moreu, F., & Lozano Galant, J. A. (2021). Aerial Tramway Sustainable Monitoring with an Outdoor Low-Cost Efficient Wireless Intelligent Sensor. Sustainability13(11), 6340.

Moreu, F., Noh, H. Y., Zhang, P., & Mascarenas, D. (2021). Editorial: Understanding Human-Infrastructure Interactions: Context-Aware Structures and Interfaces. Frontiers in Built Environment7, 87.  

Reda Taha, M.; Ayyub, B. M.; Soga, K.; Daghash, S.; Heras Murcia, D.; Moreu, F.; and Soliman, E. (2021). “Emerging Technologies for Resilient Infrastructure: Conspectus and Roadmap” ASCE-ASME Journal of Risk and Uncertainty in Engineering Systems, Part A: Civil Engineering Vol 7, No 2

Nasimi, R., and Moreu, F. "A methodology for measuring the total displacements of structures using a laser–camera system." Computer‐Aided Civil and Infrastructure Engineering 36, no. 4 (2021): 421-437.

Robbins, E., Cobo, N,, Diaz J. and Moreu, F. (2021) “Development of a low-cost efficient wireless intelligent sensor for strain measurements (LEWIS-S)” Measurement Science and Technology, February 5th, 2021

Chen L-K, Liu P, Zhu L-M, Ding J-B, Feng Y-L, Moreu F. (2021) “A simplified iterative approach for testing the pulse derailment of light rail vehicles across a viaduct to near-fault earthquake scenarios”. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part F: Journal of Rail and Rapid Transit. February 2021.

Jiaqi, X. and Moreu, F. (2021). "A Review of Augmented Reality Applications in Civil Infrastructure during the 4th Industrial Revolution." Accepted for Publication in Frontiers in Built Environment 7 (2021): 28. Doi: 10.3389/fbuil.2021.640732 


Ferenchak, Nicholas

Ferenchak, NN and Marshall, WE. (2021). Bicycling Facility Inequalities and the Causality Dilemma with Socioeconomic/Sociodemographic Change. Accepted for publication in Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment.

Ferenchak, NN and Shafique, S. (2021). Pedestrians’ Perceptions of Autonomous Vehicle External Human-Machine Interfaces. Accepted for publication in ASCE-ASME Journal of Risk and Uncertainty in Engineering Systems, Part B: Mechanical Engineering.

Ferenchak, NN and Abadi, MG. (2021). Nighttime Pedestrian Fatalities: A Comprehensive Examination of Infrastructure, User, Vehicle, and Situational Factors. Accepted for publication in Journal of Safety Research.

Long, B, Ferenchak, NN. (2021). Spatial Equity Analysis of Nighttime Pedestrian Safety: The Role of Land Use and Alcohol Establishents in Albuquerque, NM.  Accepted for publication in Transportation Research Record

Water Resources

Gonzalez-Pinzon, Ricardo

Ball, G., Regier, P., González-Pinzón, R., Reale, J., Van Horn, D. (2021), Wildfires increasingly impact western US fluvial networks. Nat Commun 12, 2484 .

Haghnazar, H.; Johannesson, K. H.; González-Pinzón, R.; Pourakbar, M.; Aghayani, E.; Rajabi, A.; Hashemi, A. A. (2021), Groundwater Geochemistry, Quality, and Pollution of the Largest Lake Basin in the Middle East: Comparison of PMF and PCA-MLR Receptor Models and Application of the Source-Oriented HHRA Approach. Chemosphere, 132489.

Webb, Ryan

Webb, R.W., Jennings, K., Finsterle, S., and Fassnacht, S.R.: Two-dimensional liquid water flow through snow at the plot scale in continental snowpacks:simulations and field data comparisons, The Cryosphere, 15, 1423-1434,, 2021.



Bogus, Susan 

Hungria, Ricardo, Arce, Gabriel, Hassan, Marwa, Anderson, Michele, Mahdi, Moinul, Rupnow, Tyson, and Bogus, Susan M. (2020) "Evaluation of Novel Jointless Engineered Cementitious Composite Ultrathin Whitetopping (ECC-UTW) Overlay" Construction and Building Materials, Volume 265, 

Han, Fei, and Bogus, Susan M. (2020) "Development of Resilience Measures for Assessing the Performance Discrepancy for Water Infrastructure Project Delivery" ASCE Journal of Management in Engineering, 36(4), DOI: 10:1061(ASCE)

ME:1943-5479.0000800 (published online April 27, 2020)


Cerrato, José

Avasarala S., Brearley, A.J., Spilde, M., Peterson, E., Jiang, Y., Benavidez, A., and Cerrato, J.M. (2020). Crystal Chemistry of Carnotite in Abandoned Mine Wastes. Minerals, 10 (10), 883; 

Gonzalez-Estrella, J., Ellison, J., Shaikh, N., Stormont, J.C., Peterson, E., Lichtner, P., and Cerrato, J.M.Saline brine reaction with fractured wellbore cement and changes in hardness and hydraulic properties. Environmental Engineering Science 2020; Accepted, DOI:10.1089/ees.2020.0093. 

Gonzalez-Estrella, J., Meza, I., Burns, A.J., Ali, A.M., Lezama-Pacheco, J.S., Lichtner, P., Shaikh, N., Fendorf, S., and Cerrato, J.M. (2020). Effect of Bicarbonate, Calcium, and pH on the Reactivity of As(V) and U(VI) Mixtures. Environmental Science & Technology, 54 (7), 3979-3987.

Johns, A., Qian, J., Carolan, M.E., Shaikh, N., Peroutka, A., Seeger, A., Cerrato, J.M., Forbes, T.Z., Cwiertny, D.M. (2020). Functionalized electrospun polymer nanofibers for treatment of water contaminated with uranium. Environmental Science: Water Research & Technology, Vol. 6, 622-634. 

Miera, R., Shaikh, N., Artyushkova, K., Ali, A.M., Santoro, C., Thomson, B.M., Howe, K.J., and Cerrato, J.M. Acetaminophen and Caffeine Removal by MnOx(s) and GAC Media in Column Experiments. Environmental Science: Water Research & Technology 2020; Accepted, DOI:10.1039/D0EWOO689K. 

Rodriguez-Freire, L., DeVore, C.L., El Hayek, E., Berti, D., Ali, A.S., Lezama Pacheco, J.S., Blake, J.M., Spilde, M.N., Brearley, A.J., Artyushkova, K., and Cerrato, J.M. (2020). Entrapment of uranium-phosphorous nanocrystals inside root cells of Tamarix plants from a mine waste site. Environmental Science: Processes and Impacts, Accepted. 

Howe, Kerry

Howe, K.J. "Introduction to the topical collection on potable reuse," AWWA Water Science. vol. 2. no.6, 2020.


Miera, R., Shaikh, N., Artyushkova, K., Ali, A.M., Santoro, C., Thomson, B.M., Howe, K.J., and Cerrato, J.M. Acetaminophen and Caffeine Removal by MnOx(s) and GAC Media in Column Experiments. Environmental Science: Water Research & Technology 2020; Accepted, DOI:10.1039/D0EWOO689K. 

Scruggs, C.E., Lawler, D.F., Tchobanoglous, G., Thomson, B.M., Schwarzman, M.R., Howe, K.J., and Schuler, A.J. “Potable Water Reuse in Small Inland Communities: Oasis or Mirage?”, Journal AWWA, Vol. 112, No. 4, pp. 10-17, April 2020. (

Kibler, R., Mohrhardt, B., Zhang, M., Breitner, L.N., Howe, K.J., and Minakata, D. “Group Contribution Method to Predict the Mass Transfer Coefficients of Organics through Various RO Membranes”, Environmental Science and Technology, Vol. 54, No. 8, pp 5167-5177, 2020. (

Thomson, B.M., Tandukar, S., Shahi, A., Lee, C.O., and Howe, K.J. “Mineral Recovery Enhanced Desalination (MRED) process: An innovative technology for desalinating hard brackish water,” Desalination, Vol. 496, 2020.  (

Zhang, M., Breitner, L.N., Howe, K.J., and Minakata, D. “The role of interaction between low molecular weight neutral organic compounds and a polyamide RO membrane in the rejection mechanism”, RSC Advances, Vol. 10, pp. 15642-15649, 2020.  (

Roth, Frank

Roth, F. "Frameworks for Assessing and Optimizing Utility Operations," Journal AWWA, Vol. 112, No. 12, pp.34-44, December 2020, (  
site alias:  Note: only AWWA members can view this.

Schuler, Andrew

Roveto, Philip M., Adwaith Gupta, and Andrew J. Schuler, Effects of Surface Skewness on Local Shear Stresses, Biofilm Activity, and Microbial Communities for Wastewater Treatment, Bioresource Technology, In Press, 

Roveto, P. M. and A. J. Schuler (2019). "Performance and diversity responses of nitrifying biofilms developed on varied materials and topographies to stepwise increases of aeration." Bioresource Technology 281: 429-439.

Scruggs, C. E., D. F. Lawler, G. Tchobanoglous, B. M. Thomson, M. R. Schwarzman, K. J. Howe and A. J. Schuler (2020). "Potable Water Reuse in Small Inland Communities: Oasis or Mirage?" Journal American Water Works Association 112(4): 10-17.


Ng Tang-Tat, Percy

Rashidyan, S., Ng, T.-T., and Maji, A. (2020) “Exploratory study of nondestructive parallel seismic testing challenges in estimating the depth of unknown wood bridge foundations,” Journal of Performances of Constructed Facilities, ASCE, 34(3), 06020002.

 Ng, T.-T. and Ge, L. (2020) “Packing void ratio of very dense ternary mixtures of similar ellipsoids,” Granular Matter, DOI: 10.1007/s10035-020-01021-1.

 Rashidyan, S., Ng, T.-T., and Maji, A. (2020) “Study of the Effect of Sensor Location on Sonic Echo / Impulse Response Testing in Timber Piles,” AUT Journal of Civil Engineering, DOI: 10.22060/AJCE.2020.16552.5590

Huang, Q, Zhou, W., Ma, G., Ng, T.-T., and Xu, K. (2020) “Experimental and numerical investigation of Weibullian behavior of grain crushing strength,” Geoscience Frontiers, 11:401-411


Hojati, Maryam

Nazarian, Shadi, Duarte, José P., Bilén, Sven G., Memari, Ali M., Radlinska, Aleksandra, Meisel, Nicholas and Hojati, Maryam (2020) "Additive Manufacturing of Architectural Structures: An Interplay Between Materials, Systems, and Design." Sustainability and Automation in Smart Constructions, pp. 111-119. Springer, Cham, 2021,

Li, Zhanzhao, Hojati, Maryam, Wu, Zhengyu, Piasente, Jonathon, Ashrafi, Negar, Duarte, José P., Nazarian, Shadi, Bilén, Sven G., Memari, Ali M. and Radlińska, Aleksandra (2020) "Fresh and Hardened Properties of Extrusion-Based 3D-Printed Cementitious Materials: A Review." Sustainability, Volume 12, No. 14; pp. 5628,

Moreu, Fernando

Aguero, M., Maharjan, D., Rodriguez, M. D. P., Mascarenas, D. D. L., & Moreu, F. (2020). Design and Implementation of a Connection between Augmented Reality and Sensors. Robotics9(1), 3.

Garg, P., Nasimi, R., Ozdagli, A., Zhang, S., Mascarenas. D.D.L., Reda Taha. M., & Moreu, F. (2020). Measuring Transverse Displacements Using Unmanned Aerial Systems Laser Doppler Vibrometer (UAS-LDV); Development and Field Validation.  Sensors, 20(21), 6051,                            

Maharjan D, Aguero M. Mascarenas D, Fierro R & Moreu F. (2020) Enabling human-infrastructure interfaces for inspection using augmented reality.  Structural  Health Monitoring. December 2020.doi:10.1177/1475921720977017        

Mascarenas, DD, Ballor JP, McClain, OL., & Moreu F. (2020) Augmented reality for next generation infrastructure inspections.  Structural Health Monitoring. September 2020. doi:10.1177/1475921720953846

Montoya, A., Habtour, E., & Moreu, F.  (2020).  Quantifying Information without Entropy: Identifying Intermittent Distrubances in Dynamical Systems. Entropy, 22(11). 1199.           

Moreu, F., Maharjan, D., Wyckoff, E., & Zhu, C. (2020). Monitoring Human Induced Floor Vibrations for Quantifying Dance Moves. Frontiers in Built Environment, 6, 36.

Taylor, R.M., Maharjan, D., Moreu, F. et al. (2020); Parametric study of 3D printed microneedle (MN) holders for interstitial fluid (ISF) extraction. Microsyst. Technol.

Ozdagli, A. I., Moreu, F., Xu, D., & Wang, T. (2020). Experimental Analysis on Effectiveness of Crash Beams for Impact Attenuation of Over-height Vehicle Collisions on Railroad Bridges. Journal of Bridge Engineering25(1), 04019133.

Taha, Mahmoud

Hatambeigi, M., Chojnicki, K., Reda, Taha, M. M., Stormont, J. C. “Visco-intertial gas flow through wellbore cement fractures”, Journal of Natural Gas Science & Engineering, Vol.77, No. 6, pp. 255-267, 2020.

Vemuganti, S., Chennareddy, R., Riad, A. and Reda Taha, M.M. "Pultruded GFRP Reinforcing Bars Using Nanomodified Vinyl Ester”, Materials, 13, 5710; https://doi:10.3390/ma13245710, 2020. 

Garg, P., Nasimi, R., Ozdagli, A., Zhang, S., Mascarenas, D. Reda Taha, M. M., Moreu, F. "Measuring Transverse Displacements Using Unmanned Aerial Systems Laser Doppleer Vibrometer (USA-LDV): Development and Field Validation”, Sensors, 2020, 20, 6051; https://doi:10.3390/s20216051, 2020.

Heras Murcia, D.,  Genedy, M., and Reda Taha, M.M. “Examining the Significance of Infill Printing Pattern on the Anisotropy of 3D-Printed Concrete" Construction & Building Materials, 262, 120559,, 2020.

Boyce, S., Lei, Z., Euser, B., Knight, E.E., Rougier, E., Stormont, J. and Reda Taha, M. M. “Simulation of mixed-mode fracture using the combined finite-discrete element method”, Computational Particle Mechanics,, 2020.

Vemuganti, S., Soliman, E. and Reda Taha, M.M.  “3D-Printed Pseudo Ductile Fiber-Reinforced Polymer (FRP) Composite Using Discrete Fiber Orientations", Vol, 8, No. 53;,2020. 


Ferenchak, Nicholas

Nicholas N. Ferenchak and W.E. Marshall. (2020). Is Bicycling Getting Safer? Bicycle Fatality Rates (1985-2017) Using Four Exposure Metrics. Transportation Research Interdisciplinary Perspectives. In Press.

M.C. Cruz and Nicholas N. Ferenchak.  (2020). Emergency Response Times for Fatal Motor Vehicle Crashes, 1975-2017. Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board. 2674(8): 504-510. DOI: 10.1177/0361198120927698.

Nicholas N. Ferenchak and W. Marshall. (2020). Quantifying Suppressed Child Pedestrian and Bicycle Trips. Travel Behaviour and Society, 20: 91-103.

Nicholas N. Ferenchak and W. Marshall.  (2020). Validation of Bicycle Level of Traffic Stress (LTS) and Perceived Safety for Children. Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board. 2674(4): 397-406.

Nicholas N. Ferenchak. (2020). Residential Development Patterns and Child Pedestrian Injury Rates. Journal of Transportation Safety & Security. DOI:10.1080/19439962.2020.1726543.

Liu, Haobing

Daejin Kim, Haobing Liu, Xiaodan Xu, Hongyu Lu, Roger Wayson, Michael Rodgers, and Randall Guensler. (2020)

Distributed Computing for Region-wide Line Source Dispersion Modeling. Computer-Aided Civil and Infrastructure Engineering.

Xiaodan Xu, HM Abdul Aziz, Haobing Liu, Michael O. Rodgers, and Randall Guensler. (2020) A Scalable Energy Modeling Framework for Electric Vehicles in Regional Transportation Networks.  Applied Energy 269:115095.

Daejin Kim, Haobing Liu, Michael O. Rodgers, and Randall Guensler.  (2020) Development of Roadway Link Screening Model for Regional-level Near-road Air Quality Analysis: A Case Study for Particulate Matter. Atmosphere Environment 237: 117677. 

Haobing Liu, Shuyang Zhang, Guojun Chen, and Qian Gao. (2020) Observed Characteristics and Modeled Emissions of Transit Buses on Ramps. Sustainability 12, no. 7: 277

Haobing, Liu, Michael Rodgers, Fang Liu, and Randall Guensler. (2020) Bayesian Approach in Estimating the Road Grade Impact on Vehicle Speed and Acceleration on Freeways.  Transportmetrica A: Transport Science, 16(3),  pp. 602-625.0.

Water Resources

González-Pinzón, Ricardo

Summers, B., Van Horn, D., Gonz, Bicknell, K., Regier, P., Van Horn, D, Feeser, K., González-Pinzón, R. (2020), Linking hydrobiogeochemical processes and management techniques to close nutrient loops in an arid river, Frontiers in Water,  

Khandelwal, A., González-Pinzón, R., Regier, P., Nichols, J., Van Horn, D. (2020), Introducing the Self‐Cleaning FiLtrAtion for Water quaLity SenSors (SC‐FLAWLeSS) system, Limnology & Oceanography: Methods, doi: 10.1002/lom3.10377

Gonález-Pinzón, R;, Reale, J., Appling, A., Bixby, R., Stone, M. (2020), Spatial and temporal variation in whole stream metabolism in an aridland river, Freshwater Science, 

Regier, P., González‐Pinzón, R., Van Horn, D. J., Reale, J., Nichols, J., Khandelwal, A. (2020). Water quality impacts of urban and non-urban arid-land runoff on the Rio Grande. Science of the Total Environment, 729,

Gootman, K. S.,  González‐Pinzón, R.,  Knapp, J. L. A.,  Garayburu‐Caruso, V., &  Cable, J. E. ( 2020). Spatiotemporal variability in transport and reactive processes across a 1st – 5th order fluvial network. Water Resources Research,  56, e2019WR026303.

Dallan, E.,  Regier, P.,  Marion, A., &  González‐Pinzón, R. ( 2020).  Does the mass balance of the reactive tracers resazurin and resorufin close at the microbial scale?. Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences,  125, e2019JG005435.

Stone, Mark

Schoener, G., & Stone, M. C. (2020). Monitoring soil moisture at the catchment scale–a novel approach combining antecedent precipitation index and radar-derived rainfall data. Journal of Hydrology, 125155.

Summers, B. M., Horn, D. J. V., González-Pinzón, R., Bixby, R. J., Grace, M. R., Sherson, L. R., ... & Dahm, C. N. (2020). Long-term data reveal highly-variable metabolism and transitions in trophic status in a montane stream. Freshwater Science, 39(2), 000-000.

Chen, X., Chen, L., Stone, M. C., & Acharya, K. (2020). Assessing connectivity between the river channel and floodplains during high flows using hydrodynamic modeling and particle tracking analysis. Journal of Hydrology583, 124609.

Gregory, A., Chen, C., Wu, R., Miller, S., Ahmad, S., Anderson, J. W., ... & Delparte, D. (2020). Efficient Model-data Integration for Flexible Modeling, Parameter Analysis & Visualization, and Data Management. Frontiers in Water2, 2.

Webb, Ryan

Webb, R.W., M. Raleigh, D. McGrath, N.P. Molotch, K. Elder, C. Hiemstra, L. Brucker, and H.P. Marshall, 2020. Within-Stand Boundary Effects of Snow Water Equivalent Distribution in Forested Areas. Water Resources Research. doi:10.1029/2019WR024905.

Webb, R.W., O. Wigmore, K. Jennings, M. Fend, and N.P. Molotch, 2020. Hydrologic Connectivity at the Hillslope Scale through Intra-Snowpack Flow Paths during Snowmelt. Hydrological Processes. doi: 10.1002/hyp.13686.



Simma, Krishna Chaitanya Jagadeesh, Mammoli, Andrea, and Bogus, Susan M. (2019) “Real-Time Occupancy Estimation Using WiFi Network to Optimize HVAC Operation” Procedia Computer Science, Volume 155, 2019, Pages 495-502, ISSN 1877-0509,


Cerrato, Jose

El Hayek, E., Brearley, A.J., Howard, T., Hudson, P., Torres, C., Spilde, M.N., Cabaniss, S., Ali, A.S., and Cerrato, J.M. (2019). Calcium in Carbonate Water Facilitates the Transport of U(VI) in Brassica juncea Roots and Enables Root-to-Shoot Translocation. ACS Earth and Space ChemisryAccepted. (

Ruiz, O., Thomson, B.M., Cerrato, J.M., Rodriguez-Freire, L. (2019). Groundwater restoration following in-situ recovery (ISR) mining of uranium. Applied Geochemistry, Accepted. (

Avasarala, S., Torres, C., Ali, A.M., Thomson B.M., Spilde, M.N., Peterson, E.J., Artyushkova, K., Dobrica, E., Lezama-Pacheco, J.S., and Cerrato, J.M., (2019). Effect of bicarbonate and oxidizing conditions on U(IV) and U(VI) reactivity in mineralized deposits of New Mexico. Chemical Geology,524, 345-355. (

Blake, J.M., Avasarala, S., Ali, A.M., Spilde, M., Lezama-Pacheco, J.S., Latta, D., Artyushkova, K., Ilgen, A., Shuey, C., Nez, C., and Cerrato, J.M., (2019). Reactivity of As and U co-occurring in Mine Wastes in Northeastern Arizona. Chemical Geology,522, 26-37. (

Velasco, C.A., Artyushkova, K., Ali, A.S., Osburn, C.L., Gonzalez-Estrella, J., Lezama-Pacheco, J.S., Cabaniss, S.E., and Cerrato, J.M. (2019) “Organic functional group chemistry in mineralized deposits containing U(IV) and U(VI) from the Jackpile Mine in New Mexico,” Environmental Science and Technology, 53, (10), 5758-5767.(

DeVore, C.L., Rodriguez-Freire, L., Ali, A-M.S., Ducheneaux, C., Artyushkova, K., Zhou, Z., Latta, D., Lueth, V.W., Gonzales, M., Lewis, J., and Cerrato, J.M. (2019) "Effect of bicarbonate and phosphate on arsenic release from mining-impacted sediments in the Cheyenne River Watershed, South Dakota, USA", Environmental Science: Processes & Impacts, Vol. 21, 456-468. (

Zychowski KE, Wheeler A, Sanchez B, Harmon M, Steadman-Tyler CR, Herbert G, Lucas SN, Ali AM, Avasarala S, Kunda N, Robinson P, Muttil P, Cerrato JM, Bleske B, Smirnova O, Campen MJ. (2019) “Toxic effects of particulate matter derived from dust samples near the Dzhidinski ore processing mill, eastern Siberia, Russia.” Cardiovascular Toxicology. (

Cerrato, J.M., DeVore, C.L., Velasco, C.A. (2019) “Mine Waste Effects on Water and Soil in Native American Land in Western USA”, In Wiley Encyclopedia of Water: Science, Technology, and Society, Accepted.

Howe, Kerry

Breitner, L.N., Howe, K.J., and Minakata, D. “Effect of Functional Chemistry on the Rejection of Low-Molecular Weight Neutral Organics through Reverse Osmosis Membranes for Potable Reuse”, Environmental Science and Technology, Vol. 53, No. 19, pp 11401-11409, 2019. (


Moreu, Fernando

A. I. Ozdagli; F. Moreu, P.E., M.ASCE; Dan Xu; and Tao Wang; Experimental Analysis on Effectiveness of Crash Beams for Impact Attenuation of Overheight Vehicle Collisions on Railroad Bridges. Journal of Bridge Engineering, 25 (1), 04019120.

Garg, P., Moreu, F., Ozdagli, A., Taha, M. R., & Mascareñas, D. (2019). Noncontact Dynamic Displacement Measurement of Structures Using a Moving Laser Doppler Vibrometer. Journal of Bridge Engineering, 24(9), 04019089.

Mascarenas, David Dennis Lee, Harden, Troy Anthony, Morales Garcia, John Evan, Boardman, Beth Leigh, Sosebee, Erin Marie, Blackhart, Craig, Cattaneo, Alessandro, Krebs, Matthew Scott, Tockstein, Jameson John, Green, Andre Walter, Dasari, Sudeep Rao, Bleck, Brian Mark, Katko, Benjamin Joseph, Moreu, Fernando, Maharjan, Dilendra, Aguero, Marlon, Fernandez, Ricardo, Trujillo, Julio B., and Wysong, Andrew Russell. Augmented Reality for Enabling Smart Nuclear Infrastructure. United States: N. p., 2019. Web. doi:10.3389/fbuil.2019.00082.

Liu, B., Ozdagli, A. I., Moreu, F., & Chi, Q. (2019). Hybrid reference-free total displacement for railroad bridge campaign monitoring. Measurement Science and Technology.

Gomez, J. A., Ozdagli, A. I., & Moreu, F. (2019). Reference-free dynamic displacements of railroad bridges using low-cost sensors. Journal of Intelligent Material Systems and Structures, 30(9), 1291-1305.

Pirayesh, R., Naseri, A., Moreu, F., Stochaj, S., Shah, N., & Krizmanic, J. (2019). Attitude Control Optimization of a Two-CubeSat Virtual Telescope in a Highly Elliptical Orbit. In Space Operations: Inspiring Humankind's Future (pp. 233-258). Springer, Cham.

Aguero, M., Ozdagli, A., & Moreu, F. (2019). Measuring Reference-Free Total Displacements of Piles and Columns Using Low-Cost, Battery-Powered, Efficient Wireless Intelligent Sensors (LEWIS2). Sensors, 19(7), 1549.

Taha, Mahmoud

Chennareddy, R., Tawheed, A., Kandil, U. F., Elgawady, M., Reda Taha, M. M., “UV-Resistant GFRP Composites Using Carbon Nanotubes”, Construction & Building Materials, Vol. 220, pp. 679-689,, 2019.

Anwar, I., Chojnicki, K., Bettin, G., Reda Taha, M., Stormont, J. C. “Characterization of Wellbore Casing Corrosion Product as a Permeable Porous Medium”, Journal of Petroleum Science & Engineering, Vol. 180, pp. 982-993,, 2019.

Mentawy, I., Genedy, M. Chennareddy, R., Reda Taha, M. M., “Polymer Concrete for Bridge Deck Closure Joints in Accelerated Bridge Construction”, Infrastructures, Vol. 4, No. 31, 13 pp.,, 2019.

Fernandez, S. G., Matteo, E. N., Reda Taha, M. M., and Stormont, J. C. “Characterization of wellbore microannuli,” Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering, Vol. 62, pp. 13-25,, 2019.

Genedy, M., Matteo, E., Stenko, M., Stormont, J., Reda Taha, M. M., “Nanomodified Methyl Methacrylate Polymer for Sealing of Microscale Defects in Wellbore Systems”, ASCE Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering, Vol. 31, No. 7, 04019118,, 2019.

Van de Werken, N., Reese, M. S., Reda Taha, M., Tehrani, M. “Investigating the Effects of Fiber Surface Treatment and Alignment on Mechanical Properties of Recycled Carbon Fiber Composites”, Journal of Composites: Part A: Applied Science & Manufacturing, Vol. 119, pp. 38-47., 2019.

Fernandez, S. G., Matteo, E. N., Reda Taha, M. M., and Stormont, J. C. “Characterization of wellbore microannuli,” Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering, Vol. 62, pp. 13-25,, Vol. 62, pp. 13-25,, 2019.

Aly, S. T., El-Dieb, A. S., and Reda Taha, M. M., “Self-compacting concrete incorporating large ceramic waste powder content as a partial replacement of cement,” Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering, Vol. 31, No. 2,, 2019.

Douba, A. E., Emiroglu, M., Kandil, U. F., and Reda Taha, M. M., “Very ductile polymer concrete using carbon nanotubes,” Construction and Building Materials. Vol. 196, No. 30, pp. 468-477., 2019.


Ferenchak, Nicholas

Ferenchak, N.N. and Marshal, W.E. (2019). Advancing healthy cities through safer cycling: An examination of shared lane markings. International Journal of Transportation Science and Technology, (in press).

Nicholas N. Ferenchak and W. Marshall. (2019). Suppressed Child Pedestrian and Bicycle Trips as an Indicator of Safety: Adopting a Proactive Safety Approach in Denver, Colorado. Transportation Research Part A. (Accepted).

W. Marshall and Nicholas N. Ferenchak. (2019). Why are Bike-Friendly Cities Safer for All Road Users? Journal of Transport & Health. (Accepted).

Nicholas N. Ferenchak and W. Marshall. (2019). An Equity Analysis of Proactively- Vs. Reactively-Identified Traffic Safety Issues. Transportation Research Record. (Accepted).

Water Resources

González-Pinzón, Ricardo

González-Pinzón, R and Thomson, 2019, Riverbed Sediments Control the Spatiotemporal Variability of E. coli in a Highly Managed, Arid River. Front. Water 1:4. doi: 10.3389/frwa.2019.0004,

González-Pinzón, R. , Dorley, J. , Regier, P. , Fluke, J. , Bicknell, K. , Nichols, J. , Khandelwal, A. , Wolf, E. , Caruana, S. N. and Van Horn, D. J. (2019), Introducing “The Integrator”: A novel technique to monitor environmental flow systems. Limnol Oceanogr Methods. doi:10.1002/lom3.10322,



Bogus, Susan

Jafari, Amirhosein, Valentin, Vanessa, and Bogus, Susan M. (2018) “Identification of Social Sustainability Criteria in Building Energy Retrofit Projects” ASCE Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, (In Press).


Cerrato, Jose

Gayen, P, Spataro, Jason, Avasarala, Sumant, Abdul-Mehdi S., Cerrato, José M., and Chaplin, Brian (2018). Electrocatalytic Reduction of Nitrate using Magnéli Phases TiO2 Reactive Electrochemical Membranes Doped with Pd-based Catalysts. Environmental Science & Technology, 52, 9370-9379. (
AWARDED “Top Technology” paper for 2018:

El Hayek, E., Torres, C., Rodriguez-Freire, L., Blake, J.M., DeVore, C.L., Brearley, A.J., Spilde, M., Cabaniss, S., Ali, A-M.S., and Cerrato, J.M. (2018) “Effect of Calcium on the Bioavailability of Dissolved U(VI) in Plant Roots under Circumneutral pH,” Environmental Science and Technology, Vol. 52, 13089-13098. (

Rahman, Asifur, El Hayek, Eliane, Blake, Johanna M., Bixby, Rebecca, Ali, Abdul-Mehdi S., Spilde, Michael, Otieno, Amanda A., Miltenberger, Keely, Ridgeway, Cyrena, Artyushkova, Kateryna, Atudorei, Viorel, and Cerrato, José M., (2018). Metal Reactivity in Laboratory Burned Wood from a Watershed Affected by Wildfires. Environmental Science and Technology, 52, 8115-8123 (

Shaikh, Nabil; Zhang, Huichun; Rasamani, Kowsalya Devi; Artyushkova, Kateryna; Ali, Abdul-Mehdi; Cerrato, José M; (2018) Reaction of Bisphenol A with Synthetic and Commercial MnOx(s): Spectroscopic and Kinetic Study. Environmental Science: Processes & Impacts20, 1046-1055. (

Zychowski, Katherine E; Kodali, Vamsi; Harmon, Molly; Tyler, Christina; Sanchez, Bethany; Ordonez Suarez, Yoselin; Herbert, Guy; Wheeler, Abigail;  Avasarala, Sumant; Cerrato, José M.; Kunda, Nitesh K.; Muttil, Pavan; Shuey, Chris; Brearley, Adrian; Ali, Abdul-Mehdi; Lin, Yan; Shoeb, Mohammad; Erdely, Aaron; and Campen, Matthew J. (2018) Respirable Uranyl-Vanadate Containing Particulate Matter Derived from a Legacy Uranium Mine Site Exhibits Potentiated Cardiopulmonary Toxicity.Toxicological Sciences, 164, 101-114. (

Lopez Moruno, Francisco; Rubio, Juan E.; Atanassov, Plamen; Cerrato, José M.; Arges, Christopher G.; and Santoro, Carlo (2018) . Microbial desalination cell with sulfonated sodium poly(ether ether ketone) as cation exchange membranes for enhancing power generation and salt reductionBioelectrochemistry, 121, 176-184.(

Lopez Moruno, Francisco, Rubio, Juan E., Santoro, Carlo, Atanassov, Plamen, Cerrato, José M., and Arges, Christopher G., (2018) Investigation of patterned and non-patterned poly(2,6-dimethyl 1,4- phenylene) oxide based anion exchange membranes for enhanced desalination and power generation in a microbial desalination cell. Solid State Ionics, 314, 141-148.

Howe, Kerry

Breitner, L.N., Howe, K.J., and Minakata, D. (2018) “Boron Can Be Used to Predict Trace Organic Rejection through Reverse Osmosis Membranes for Portable Reuse”, Environmental Science and Technology, Vol. 52, No. 23, pp 13871–13878. (

Ali., A., Howe, K.J., and Blandford, E.D. (2018) “Chemical Head Loss Measurements on Multi-Constituent Debris Beds in Small Scale Experiments,”  Nuclear Technology.  Vol. 204, No. 3, pp. 318-329.  (

Minakata, D., Howe, K.J., and Zhang, M. (2018) “Predicting the Partitioning of Organic Compounds through Polymer Materials: Quantum Mechanical Applications,” ASCE Journal of Environmental Engineering, vol. 144, no. 4.


Ng, Tang-Tat Percy

Rashidyan, S., Maji, A., and Ng, T.-T. (2018) “Practical Aspects of Nondestructive Induction Field Testing in Determining the Depth of Steel and Reinforced Concrete Foundations,” Journal of Nondestructive Evaluation, accept for publication.

Rashidyan, S., Maji, A., and Ng, T.-T. (2018) “Performance of nondestructive Parallel Seismic testing method in determining the depth of shallow foundations,” ASCE, Journal of Performance of Constructed Facilities, accept for publication.

Zhou, W., Wu, W., Ma, G., Ng, T.-T., and Chang, X.L. (2018) “Undrained behavior of binary granular mixtures with different fines contents,” Powder Technology, 340, 139-153.

Zhou, W., Huang, Y., Ng, T.-T. and Ma, G. (2018) “A geometric potential-based contact detection algorithm for egg-shaped particles in discrete element modelling,” Power Technology, 327, 152-162.

Stormont, John

Lampe, B.*, J. C. Stormont, T. Lynn, and S.J. Bauer, (2018) Experimental Investigation of the Influence of Pore Pressure and Porosity on the Deformation of Granular Salt, International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Science, Vol.110, p. 291-305.

Mills, M.M.*, J.C. Stormont, and S.J. Bauer, (2018) Micromechanical Processes in Consolidated Granular Salt, Engineering Geology, Vol.239, pp. 206-213. 

Stormont, J.C., Garcia Fernandez, S*., Reda Taha, M., and E.N. Matteo, (2018) Gas flow through cement-casing microannuli under varying stress conditions, Geomechanics for Energy and the Environment. Vol.13 p. 1-13.

Dewers, T., Eichhubl. P., Ganis, B., Gomez, S., Heath, J., Jammoul, M., Kobos, P., Liu, R., Major, J., Matteo, E., Newell, P., Rinehart, A., Sobolik, S., Stormont, J., Reda Taha, M. M., Wheeler, M., White, D., “Heterogeneity, pore pressure, and injectate chemistry: Control Measures for geologic carbon storage”, International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control, Vol. 68, 6 pp. 203-2015, 2018.


Moreu, Fernando

Liu, B.; Ozdagli, A.; Moreu, F. (2018); “Direct reference‐free measurement of displacements for railroad bridge management”; Structural Control and Health Monitoring.

Moreu, F., Li, X., Li, S., and Zhang, D. (2018); “Technical Specifications of Structural Health Monitoring for Highway Bridges: New Chinese SHM Code.” Frontiers in Built Environment, March. DOI:

Ozdagli, A. I., Liu, B., & Moreu, F. (2018). “Measuring Total Transverse Reference-Free Displacements for Condition Assessment of Timber Railroad Bridges: Experimental Validation.” Journal of Structural Engineering, 144(6), 04018047.

Ozdagli, Ali I.; Liu, Bideng; Moreu, F.; (2018); “Low-cost, efficient wireless intelligent sensors (LEWIS) measuring real-time reference-free dynamic displacements.” Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing Volume 107, July, Pg. 343–356.

Taha, Mahmoud

Guo, X., Riad, A., Chennareddy, R., Reda Taha, M.M., “Seismic Resistance of GFRP Bolted Joints with Carbon Nanotubes” ASCE Journal of Engineering Mechanics, Vol. 144, No. 11,, 2018.

Borowski, E., Soliman, E., Khan, A., Reda Taha, M.M. “Stowage and Deployment of a Viscoelastic Orthotropic Carbon Fiber Composite Tape Spring” AIAA Journal of Spacecraft and Rockets, Vol. 55, No. 4, pp. 829-840,, 2018.

Aly, S. T., El-Dieb, A. S., Reda Taha, M.M. “Self-Compacting Concrete Incorporating Large Ceramic Waste Powder Content As A Partial Replacement of Cement” ASCE Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering,  Vol. 7, No. 1, pp. 426-446,, 2018.

Salas, C., Brantley, J., Clark, J., Reda Taha, M.M., Mercer, D. “Damage in a Distal Radius Fracture Model Treated with Locked Volar Plating after Simulated Postoperative Loading”, Journal of Hand Surgery, Vol. 43, No. 7, pp. 679.e1-679.e6,, 2018.

Genedy, M., Reda Taha, M. M. “Examining Alternative Strengthening Method for RC T-Beams Using CFRP and UHPC”, ACI Special Publication SP-322, Towards Sustainable Infrastructure with Fiber Reinforced Polymer Composites, El-Hacha, R., Ed., 10.1-10.14., 2018.

Aly, S. T., El-Dieb, A. S., Reda Taha, M.M., “Ceramic Waste Powder for Eco-Friendly Self-Compacting Concrete (SCC)”, Journal of Advances of Civil Engineering Materials, American Society of Testing and Materials (ASTM), Vol. 7, No. 1, pp. 426-446,, 2018.

Garner, A. S., Genedy, M., Kandil, U. F., Reda Taha, M.M., “Controlling off-axis stiffness and stress-relaxation of CFRP using alumina nanoparticles”, Journal of Composite Materials, Vol. 52, No. 18, pp. 2483-2491,, 2018.

El-Dieb, A. S., Reda Taha, M.M., Kanann, D. M., Aly, S., “Ceramic Waste Powder from Landfill to Sustainable Concretes”, Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers - Construction Materials, Vol. 171, No. 3, pp. 109-116,, 2018.

Stormont, J. C., Fernandez, S. G., Reda Taha, M.M., Matteo, E. N. “Gas flow through cement-casing microannuli under varying stress conditions” Journal of Geomechanics for Energy and the Environment, Vol. 13, pp. 1-13,, 2018.

Dewers, T., Eichhubl. P., Ganis, B., Gomez, S., Heath, J., Jammoul, M., Kobos, P., Liu, R., Major, J., Matteo, E., Newell, P., Rinehart, A., Sobolik, S., Stormont, J., Reda Taha, M. M., Wheeler, M., White, ., “Heterogeneity, pore pressure, and injectate chemistry: Control Measures for geologic carbon storage”, International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control, Vol. 68, pp. 203-2015,, 2018.


Ferenchak, Nicholas

Ferenchak, N.N. and Marshal, W.E. (2018). Spontaneous order of pedestrian and vehicle intersection conflicts in the Indian context. Transportation Research Part F: Traffic Psychology and Behaviour, 55, 451-463.

Water Resources

Gonzalez-Pinzon, Ricardo

Knapp, J.,  González-Pinzón R, Haggerty, R., 2018, The Resazurin-Resorufin System: Insights from a Decade of 'Smart' Tracer Development for Hydrologic Applications. Water Resources Research,

Riveros-Iregui DA, Covino TP, González-Pinzón R, 2018, The Importance of and Need for Rapid Hydrologic Assessments in Latin America. Hydrological Processes,

Drummond, J. D., Larsen, L. G., González‐Pinzón, R., Packman, A. I., & Harvey, J. W. (2018). Less fine particle retention in a restored versus unrestored urban stream: Balance between hyporheic exchange, resuspension, and immobilization. Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences, 123.

Stone, Mark

Jaramillo, L.V.1 and M.C. Stone. 2018. An Indicator-Based Approach to Assessing Resilience of Socio-Hydrologic Systems in Nepal to Hydropower Development. Journal of Hydrology, 563:1111:1118.

Gregory, A.1, Morrison, R.R.1, and M.C. Stone. 2018. Assessing the Hydrogeomorphic Effects of Environmental Flows using Hydrodynamic Modeling. Environmental Management, 62:352-364.

Benson, M.H, Morrison, R.R.1, Llewellyn, D, and M.C. Stone. 2018. Governing the Rio Grande: Challenges and Opportunities for New Mexico’s Water Supply. Water Governance, 2018:99-114.



Bogus Halter, Susan

Zhang, Su, Lippitt, Christopher, Bogus, Susan M. (2017) “Pavement Surface Condition Estimation Based on Geospatial Modeling” Annals of GIS, doi: 10.1080/19475683.2017.1325404.

Zhang, Su, Bogus, Susan M., Lippitt, Christopher D., and Migliaccio, Giovanni C. (2017) “Estimating Location Adjustment Factors for Conceptual Cost Estimating Based on Nighttime Light Satellite Imagery.” ASCE Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, 143(1), January 2017, doi: 10.1061/(ASCE)CO.1943-7862.0001216.


Cerrato, Jose

Avasarala, Sumant, Lichtner, Peter, Ali, Abdul-Mehdi S., González-Pinzón, R., Blake, Johanna M., and Cerrato, José M. (2017) Reactive Transport of U and V from Abandoned Uranium Mine Wastes. Environmental Science and Technology, 51, 12385-1293. DOI: 10.1021/acs.est.7b03823

Ilgen A.G., Kukkadapu R.K., Dunphy D.R., Artyushkova K., Cerrato J.M., Kruichak J.N., Janish M.T., Sun C. J., Argo J. M., and Washington R. E. (2017). Synthesis and characterization of redox-active ferric nontronite.  Chemical Geology, 470, 1-12.

Blake, Johanna, DeVore, Cherie, Avasarala, Sumant, Ali, Abdul-Mehdi, Roldan, Claudia, Bowers, Fenton, Spilde, Michael, Artyushkova, Kateryna, Kirk, Matthew F., Peterson, Eric, Rodríguez-Freire, Lucia, and Cerrato, José M., (2017). Uranium mobility and accumulation along the Rio Paguate, Jackpile Mine in Laguna Pueblo, New Mexico. Environmental Science: Processes & Impacts,19, 605-621.  DOI: 10.1039/C6EM00612D.!divAbstract

Saup, Casey, Williams, Kenneth, Rodríguez-Freire, Lucia, Cerrato, José M., Johnston, Michael D., and Wilkins, Michael J. (2017). Anoxia stimulates microbially catalyzed metal release from Animas River sediments. Environmental Science: Processes & Impacts, 19, 578-585. DOI: 10.1039/C7EM00036G.!divAbstract 

Howe, Kerry

Santoro, C., Abad, F.B., Serov, A., Kodali, M., Howe, K.J., Soavi, F., and Atanassov, P. (2017) “Supercapacitive Microbial Desalination Cells: New Class of Power Generating Devices for Reduction of Salinity Content,” Applied Energy, Vol. 208, pp. 25-36.

Ali., A., Labrier, D., Howe, K.J., and Blandford, E.D. (2017) “Experimental Study of Aqueous Chemical Trisodium Phosphate-Buffered Environment Under Post-LOCA Conditions With Head Loss Measurements.” ASME Journal of Nuclear Engineering and Radiation Science. Vol. 3, no. 2.

Labrier, D., Ali., A., Howe, K.J., and Blandford, E.D. (2017) “Integrated Chemical Effects Head-Loss Experiments Using Multi-Constituent Fibrous Debris Beds.” ASME Journal of Nuclear Engineering and Radiation Science. Vol. 3, no. 1.


Ng, Tang-Tat Percy

Ma, G., Zhang, Y., Zhou, W., Ng, T.-T., Wang, Q. and Chen, X. (2017) “The effect of different fracture mechanisms on impact fragmentation of brittle heterogeneous solid,” International Journal of Impact Engineering,

Rashidyan, S., Ng, T.-T. and Maji, A. (2017) “Estimating the Depth of Concrete Pier Wall Bridge Foundations Using Nondestructive Sonic Echo,” Journal of Nondestructive Evaluation, 36(56).

Ng, T.-T., Zhou, W., and Chang X.-L. (2017) Closure to “Effect of Particle Shape and Fine Content on the Behavior of Binary Mixture.” Journal of Engineering Mechanics ASCE, 143(9), 10.1061/(ASCE)EM.1943-7889.0001324.

Ng, T.-T., Zhou, W., Ma, G., and Chang, X.-L. (2017), “Macroscopic and Microscopic Behaviors of Binary Mixtures of Different Particle Shapes and Particle Sizes”, International Journal of Solids and Structures, 135, 74-84,

Ali, Yousefi; Ng, T.-T. (2017) “Dimensionless input parameters in discrete element modeling and assessment of scaling techniques,” Computers and Geotechniques, 88, 164-173 (

Stormont, John

Paneru*, L.P, Bauer, S.J., and Stormont, J.C. (2017) Thermal Properties of Consolidated Granular Salt as a Backfill Material.  Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering.

Douba*, A., M. Genedy*, E. Matteo, U.F. Kandill, J. Stormont and M.M. Reda Taha, (2017) “The significance of nanoparticles on bond strength of polymer concrete to steel.”  International Journal of Adhesion and Adhesives, Vol 74, pp. 77-85.

Gomez, S.P.*, Sobolik, S.R., Matteo, E.N., Reda Taha, M.M., and Stormont, J.C. (2017) “Investigation of wellbore microannulus permeability under stress via experimental wellbore mock-up and finite element modeling,” Computers and Geotechnics, Vol. 83, pp. 168-177.    

Byrne, C.F.*, Stormont, J.C., and Stone, M.C. (2017), “Soil water balance dynamics on reclaimed mine land in the southwestern United States, Journal of Arid Environments, Vol. 136, pp. 28-37.


Moreu, Fernando

Moreu, F.; Ayorinde, E.; Mason, J.; Farrar, C.; and Mascarenas, D.D.L. (2017); “Remote Railroad Bridge Structural Tap Testing Using Aerial Robots”; International Journal of Intelligent Robotics and Applications, 1-14.

D. D. L. Mascarenas, F. Moreu, P. Cantu, D. Shields, J. Wadden, M. El Hadedy, C. Farrar (2017) “A compliant mechanism for inspecting extremely confined spaces”. Smart Materials and Structures, 26(11), 115028.

Ozdagli, Ali I.; Gomez, Jose A.; Moreu, F.; (2017); “Total reference-free displacements for condition assessment of timber railroad bridges using tilt”; Smart Structures and Systems; Volume 20, Number 5, November; pages 549-562. DOI: 10.12989/sss.2017.20.5.549

Gomez, J. A., Ozdagli, A. I., & Moreu, F. (2017). Reference-free dynamic displacements of railroad bridges using low-cost sensors. Journal of Intelligent Material Systems and Structures, 1045389X17721375.

Ozdagli, A. I., Gomez, J. A., & Moreu, F. (2017). Real-Time Reference-Free Displacement of Railroad Bridges during Train-Crossing Events. Journal of Bridge Engineering22(10), 04017073.

Hoag, A., Hoult, N., Take, A., Moreu, F., Le, H. and Tolikonda, V. (2017); “Measuring displacements of a railroad bridge using DIC and accelerometers”; Smart Structures and Systems Smart Structures and Systems; Volume 19, Number 2, February 2017. DOI: 10.12989/sss.2017.19.2.225

Moreu, F.; Kim, R. E.; and Spencer, Jr., B. F. (2017); “Railroad Bridge Monitoring Using Wireless Smart Sensors”; Structural Control and Health Monitoring.

Moreu, F., Spencer Jr, B. F., Foutch, D. A., & Scola,S. (2017). Consequence-based management of railroad bridge networks. Structureand Infrastructure Engineering, 1-14.

Garg, P., Ozdagli, A., & Moreu, F. (2017). Optimal Bridge Displacement Controlled by Train Speed on Real-Time. In Dynamics of Civil Structures, Volume 2 (pp. 291-299). Springer, Cham.

Vemuganti, S., Ozdagli, A., Liu, B., Bajric, A., Moreu, F., Brake, M. R., & Troyer, K. (2017). Sensing and Rating of Vehicle–Railroad Bridge Collision. In Dynamics of Civil Structures, Volume 2 (pp. 227-234). Springer, Cham

Taha, Mahmoud

Genedy, M., Kandil, U. F., Matteo, E., Stormont, J., Reda Taha, M. M., “A new polymer nanocomposite repair material for restoring wellbore seal integrity”, International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control, Vol. 58, pp. 290-298, 2017.

Al-Sabagh, A., Taha, E., Kandil, U. F., Awadallah, A. E., Nasr, G., Reda Taha, M.M. “Monitoring moisture damage propagation in GFRP composites using carbon nanoparticles”, Polymers, Vol. 9, No. 94, doi:10.3390/polym9030094, 2017.    

Douba, A., Genedy, M., Matteo, E., Kandil, U. F., Stormont, J., Reda Taha, M.M. “The Significance of Nanoparticles on Bond Strength of Polymer Concrete to Steel”, International Journal of Adhesion and Adhesives, Vol. 74, pp. 77-85, 2017.

Awadallah, A. E., Aboul-Enein, A. A., Kandil, U. F., Reda Taha, M.M. “Facile and large-scale synthesis of high quality few-layered graphene nano-platelets via methane decomposition over unsupported iron family catalysts”, Polymer Chemistry & Physics, Vol. 191, pp. 75-85, 2017. 

Gomez, S., Sobolik, S., Matteo, E., Reda Taha, M. M., Stormont, J., “Investigation of wellbore microannulus permeability under stress via experimental wellbore mock-up and finite element modeling”, Computers and Geotechniques, Vol. 83, pp. 168-177, 2017. 

Khan, A., Borowski, E., Soliman, E., Reda Taha, M.M. “Examining Energy Dissipation of Deployable Aerospace Composites Using Matrix Viscoelasticity", ASCE Journal of Aerospace Engineering, Vol. 30, No. 5, 2017. 

Moon, J., Reda Taha, M.M., Kim, J. J..,“ Flexural Strengthening of RC Slabs Using A Hybrid FRP-UHPC System Including Shear Connector", Advances in Materials Science and Engineering, Vol. 2017, Article ID 4387545, 7 pp., 2017. 

Kanann, D. M., Aboubakr, S., H., El-Dieb, A. S., Reda Taha, M.M. “High Performance Concrete Incorporating Ceramic Waste Powder as Large Replacement of Portland Cement”, Construction and Building Materials, Vol. 144, pp. 35-41, 2017. 

Chennareddy, R., Reda Taha, M. M., “Effect of Combining NSM and U-Wrap FRP Strengthening Techniques on Behavior of RC Beams”, ACI Structural Journal, Vol. 114, No. 3, pp: 719-728, 2017. 

Douba, A.E., Emiroglu, M., Tarefder, R., Kandil, U. F., Reda Taha, M. M., “Improving fracture toughness of polymer concrete using carbon nanotubes”, Journal of Transportation Research Board (TRB), Vol. 2612, pp. 96–103, 2017. 

Emiroglu, M., Douba, A.E., Tarefder, R., Kandil, U. F., Reda Taha, M. M., “New Polymer Concrete with Superior Ductility and Fracture Toughness Using Alumina Nanoparticle”, ASCE Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering, Vol. 29, No. 8, 2017. 

Nehdi, M., El-Dieb, A. S., Reda Taha, M. M. “Recycling Tire Rubber in Cement-Based Materials”, ACI SP-314: Eco-Efficient and Sustainable Concrete Incorporating Recycled Post-Consumer and Industrial Byproducts, Nehdi, N., Ed., 2017.   

Soliman, E., Aboubakr, S. H., Reda Taha, M.M., “Estimating Fracture Toughness of C-S-H using Nanoindentation and The Extended Finite Element Method", International Journal of Advances in Engineering Sciences and Applied Mathematics, vol. 9, No.3, pp 154-168, 2017. https://

Genedy, M., Chennareddy, R., Soliman, E., Kandil, U. F., Reda Taha, M.M. “Improving Shear Strength of GFRP Bolted Lap Joints Using Carbon Nanotubes”, Journal of Reinforced Plastics and Composites, Vol. 36, No. 13, pp. 958-971, 2017.


Water Resources

Gonzalez-Pinzon, Ricardo

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