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Staff Directory

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Photo: Valerie  Apodaca

Valerie Apodaca - Accountant 3

Department of Civil, Construction and Environmental Engineering

Email:  vbasquez@unm.edu
Office:  Centennial Engineering Center Room 3010
Phone:  505-277-5901
Photo: Dylan  Gauntt

Dylan Gauntt - Senior Academic Advisor

Department of Civil, Construction and Environmental Engineering

Email:  advccee@unn.edu
Office:  Centennial Engineering Center Room 3012
Phone:  505-277-6633
Photo: Heather Jones

Heather Jones - Program Coordinator

Department of Civil, Construction and Environmental Engineering

Email:  hjones4@unm.edu
Office:  Centennial Engineering Center Room 2010
Photo: Kim  Persinger

Kim Persinger - Academics Coordinator

Department of Civil, Construction and Environmental Engineering

Email:  kpersinger@unm.edu
Photo: Brenda  Ramirez

Brenda Ramirez - Student Employee

Department of Civil, Construction and Environmental Engineering

Email:  breramirez@unm.edu
Phone:  505-277-2722
Photo: Emily  Romo

Emily Romo - Student Employee

Department of Civil, Construction and Environmental Engineering

Email:  earomo3@unm.edu
Phone:  505-277-2722
Photo: Bryan Stewart

Bryan Stewart - Systems Analyst

Department of Civil, Construction and Environmental Engineering

Email:  bkstewart@unm.edu
Office:  Centennial Engineering Center Room 3021
Photo: Candyce Torres

Candyce Torres - Department Administrator

Department of Civil, Construction and Environmental Engineering

Email:  ctorres@unm.edu
Office:  Centennial Engineering Center Room 3008
Phone:  505-277-3222