Madura Pathirage
Phone: 847.440.6506
Physical Address
Centennial Engineering Center

Assistant Professor
Civil, Construction and Environmental Engineering
PhD, Mechanics, Materials, & Structures, Northwestern University, 2020
MS, Mechanics of Materials & Solids, Northwestern University, 2015
BS and MS, Structural Engineering, École Spéciale des Travaux Publics, 2014
My team seeks to understand and predict the mechanical and multi-physics behaviors of various composite materials and structures under normal and extreme conditions. Our research scope targets multiple length and time scales and incorporates novel numerical methods in solid mechanics with an emphasis on fracture mechanics. Our research areas are multidisciplinary and includes civil engineering, applied mechanics, and biomechanics.
Teaching Interests
- Finite Element Methods in Solid Mechanics (CE 502)
- Structural Analysis (CE308)
Research Interests
- Concrete Mechanics
- Materials under Extreme Environments
- Shock and Impact Mechanics
- Injury Biomechanics